Friday 1 February 2008

RFU Talking Rugby Dinner raises £745

Alan Black (Blackie) of the RFU organised a ‘Talking Rugby’ Dinner in the Great Hall at Bisham Abbey on Friday 1st February with proceeds going to Harry’s charities.

The event was a sell out with over a hundred guests from local rugby clubs attending together with Peter Trunkfield (RFU Past President) and Simon Winman (RFU Head of Funding & Facilities).
After dinner Blackie introduced the panel;

ROB DEBNEY (RFU Elite Referee)
CHRIS JONES (Rugby correspondent – The Standard)
PETER SCRIVENER (London Wasps Commercial Manager)

There followed a lively question & answer session on topical issues surrounding the game including a vote on the likely outcome of the England v Wales match.

Finally, the draw was held for a hand blown ‘last drop’ crystal decanter donated by Trevor Fulton and won by Roy Carlisle. The event raised £745 for Meningitis Research Foundation.


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